Thursday, December 8, 2011

Downtown Ft.Myers

When I hear the word downtown I think of big city and crowded streets. The stature in the community of downtown Fort Myers has changed significantly. The streets looked empty and there never seemed to be any involvement in the area. There are no high rises in the downtown area and there aren’t that many important things in that area besides the court house.

Some of the prominent architectures we saw were: An eagle craved into a tree, the old court house being reused, and a wall painting behind the mini mall we went by. We also saw this oval shaped metal thing in front of the art center. I believe these architectures were put out to help with human growth and build community.

Some other interesting history we learned on our tour was there were some scenes from the movie “Day of The Dead” filmed in the downtown Fort Myers area. The economy of Forts Myers has moved very slowly. Development has progressed slowly and land isn’t being occupied at a slow rate. I don’t know who this field trip related to sustainability.   

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