Monday, September 5, 2011

FGCU Campus Nature Trail

Today I went on the FGCU Campus Trail walk. The university has about 400 acres in land set aside for environmental preservation. FGCU strives to be a sustainable school by applying and teaching students about going green and being sustainable. The trail was pretty interesting it has a lot of life and a lot history embedded in its roots. Being able to see all the life like, wood pecker holes, snail eggs, poison ivy, etc. It shows the effort FGCU is trying to take to make a more sustainable and natural college. 
Turnips are an invasive species.
Snail eggs

When it comes to FGCU’s mission to eco-empowerment I believe there taking all necessary steps to help students understand the meaning of nature. By providing a preserved eco system and requiring students to take colloquium and other natural science classes FGCU is helping students understand the role of nature the troubles they pose to nature.  

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