I believe climate change is both anthropogenic and natural. Nature natural does what it has been doing for billions of years and with the advance of technology we have altered some change to the climate. The introduction to green house into the atmosphere is one example and also the burning of fossils fuel into the air.
The media has portrayed the climate change as something of a big deal but kind of blame the people for this change. Bid industries year round waste more energy and dumb more waste in are atmosphere then some small cities. Also the media has used this climate change as a marketing scheme, using “going green” as a focal point. People are becoming sick of the “going green” market scheme. It is pricier and in some cases less effective. I think better educating students at a younger age and informing them of what a healthy lifestyle entitle s will better help the earth in the future.
With how much technology we really have in our grasp I hope there is a better tomorrow for my children and grandchildren. Knowing where we have gone wrong and improving on our mistakes is key to helping the future.