I believe that one of the most major elements of sustainable farming is environmental protection. There are several different threats that farmers need to protect their crops from. One being water pollution another is pesticides. If there is pollute water, it can soak into the soil and pollute the crops. Pesticides can also pollute a plant, or pollute the water that is given to a plant.
I do not buy organic or naturally labeled foods. The costs of these alternatives are too high for a college student to live a sustainable life. Also I personally feel disconnected to the food system. I have not kept track in the chemicals being used to help with preserving foods. I do not know what kind of conditions I am going to inherit cause of all these chemicals being used.
I do not buy organic or naturally labeled foods. The costs of these alternatives are too high for a college student to live a sustainable life. Also I personally feel disconnected to the food system. I have not kept track in the chemicals being used to help with preserving foods. I do not know what kind of conditions I am going to inherit cause of all these chemicals being used.
If there were space on campus to grow vegetables on campus, I would definitely take the opportunity and grow my own. I could save money and have a bite to eat when I was hungry.